It's always nice to get something for nothing. But sometimes you feel like it's just not good enough. Today I tackle Pampers - products that I hate to use but we simply have no choice. I apologise to the powers that be for creating so much fucking landfill.
Dear Sir,
This morning I get a letter from Pampers with a coupon inside. Ooh goody I think - I'm going to have to get some more nappies this week (as I do every week). I rip open the envelope to find a measly £1. £1! Now I have twins who are currently weaning and teething so you can only imagine how many nappies I get through (and have done in the last 8 months). Is this all I'm worth - £1? I'm seriously thinking of deferring to Huggies.
Yours sincerely,
We'll see what happens...
2 of my NCT friends recommend Aldi nappies (although the one with a boy still has to use Pampers baby dry at night). Personally it's unfortunate that the most expensive ones are the only nappies we've found that don't leak with Nathaniel...it's just too expensive to keep trying others if they don't do the job.